Our members are Pride organisations and Pride networks from across Europe. Click their name to visit their website

Why join us?

For three decades the European Pride Organisers Association has been at the forefront of promoting, protecting and advocating for the Pride movement across Europe. We licence EuroPride to one member each year, but we do much more than that.
  • Networking opportunities for our members to meet other Pride organisers from across Europe
  • Receptions and members-only events during EuroPride, WorldPride and other key Pride events
  • Promotion of our member Prides through our communications, website and social media
  • Monthly members’ newsletter
  • Free webinars and other opportunities to learn from experts and other Prides on topics including fundraising, security, communications and volunteer management
  • Grants from our Solidarity Fund to Pride organisers
  • Support for Pride organisers in regions like the western Balkans, the Baltic states and Eastern Partnership countries
  • The opportunity to bid to host EuroPride, Europe’s most significant Pride event each year
  • Support for national Pride networks, such as CSD Deutschland and the UK Pride Organisers Network
  • We advocate for the Pride movement at the European level, including working with the European Parliament, the EU and the Council of Europe
  • We represent European Prides at InterPride, the international association of Pride organisers
Europe has more than eight hundred Pride organisations. Many are in countries like Sweden, Germany and the UK where there are hundreds of Prides, but others are in countries where there is just one Pride, like Moldova and North Macedonia. We want to see more Prides across our region, and the more members we have, the more we can do to make this happen. The opportunity to bid for EuroPride is open only to our members, and takes place during a cycle three to four years before the year in which the EuroPride takes place. Our EuroPride Coordinator and other board members work closely with bidding Prides, and successful host Prides, to create impactful EuroPride events throughout Europe. We are particularly interested to work with Prides in regions where EuroPride could have a real strategic importance and lasting impact for LGBTI+ equality and human rights. We have no staff, and our board is made up of volunteer directors who are elected by our members. Each of them holds a different area of responsibility, and bring expertise to our organisation from their own experiences organising Pride events across Europe. They are always available to our members to provide advice and support. Membership is open to Pride organisations in all 47 member states of the Council of Europe and Belarus. Membership fees start at €50 and are on a sliding scale based on your Pride’s turnover. They can be waived in circumstances where a potential member organisation has a very low income.

Membership fees 2024

We allocate 25% of all our membership income to the Solidarity Fund, to support the growth of the Pride movement. All other fees are allocated to the running of EPOA. The current fees were set in 2016.
Turnover (€)Membership fee (€)

How to join

The detailed conditions on the criteria for membership and more information about the membership fees are outlined in the bylaws chapter two. Click the button below to complete your application on our membership platform, WildApricot.