This week Vienna will share Pride far beyond its borders
Solidarity is at the core of the Pride movement, and EPOA members have for a long time shown solidarity with each other, as well as with non-member organisations. In 2016, the AGM in Montpellier decided to create a Solidarity Fund, and that a portion of all membership fees should go to the Fund.


The Solidarity Fund exists to support Pride organisations with small project grants for public actions or events that seek to promote awareness and a better understanding of LGBTI+ communities (see ‘Project Applications’ below). Funds are restricted to organisations and activities in Europe.

Who can apply?

Applications are open to all member organisations. Pride organisations in Europe that are not members can easily become a member and thus be eligible to apply.

Project applications

The Solidarity Fund will award small grants to community-based activities or events, with a focus on places where public LGBTI+ events face challenges and hostility. To be eligible for a grant, projects must meet the following criteria:
  • Projects must support specific local events and activities that support LGBTI+ communities, with a preference to local Pride events.
  • Projects must be time-limited, such as political marches, parades, community gatherings, workshops/seminars, and film festivals.
  • Project funding is allowed to cover costs such as staff time, advertising, space or equipment rentals, registration fees, purchase of materials.
  • The project funding will only cover a part of the costs of the project, so the applicant must be willing to contribute financially. The grant will cover a maximum of 75% of the total costs, but depending on available funds in the Fund and the number of applicants, the size of the grant may vary.
As the Solidarity Fund has limited funds, smaller projects will have greater success in being approved. Applications for more than €1,000 will not be considered unless the applicant has discussed the application with us in advance. Grants will not be given to:
  • Ongoing operational costs of the member organisation
  • Ongoing program costs of the member organisation
  • Capacity building or training
  • Paying off organisational debt
If a project is awarded a grant, the organisation must submit a written report to the Board of the project/event. The report shall be submitted no later than 30 days after completion of the event. To apply for a grant or to make an enquiry, please email Noah Leão, Human Rights Coordinator at

AGM scholarships

Click here for information about scholarships to attend the Annual General Meeting.