EuroPride is a pan-European international LGBTI event featuring a Pride parade, hosted by a different European city each year

EuroPride 2024 Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki Pride won the right to host EuroPride at the Association’s Annual General Meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden, in October 2017. EuroPride in Thessaloniki was initially due to take place in 2020 but it was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Members voted at the AGM in 2020 to allow Thessaloniki Pride to host EuroPride in 2024 instead.

You can find full information about EuroPride 2024 in Thessaloniki, including the Program and contact details for the organisers, on the official website. Representatives of EPOA member organisations can apply for official accreditation via the link sent to all members via email and included in the monthly email newsletter.

Please note: Enquiries about taking part in EuroPride 2024 in Thessaloniki should be sent to the host organisation, not to us. Contact details can be found here.


Four bids were presented for EuroPride 2020.