Nominations Committee
The Association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in 2024 passed a resolution proposed by the Board to create a Nominations Committee to identify potential members of the Board, explore their interest, eligibility and availability, and recommend candidates to the AGM. The Terms of Reference for the Committee can be found in the resolution itself.
Prior to the 2025 AGM the Nominations Committee will focus on candidates to stand for President at that AGM, and may also seek candidates for other rules due for election that year. As a new Committee, it will also work on processes and suggest any bylaws changes that may be necessary.
The initial membership of the Nominations Committee is:
- Stein Runar Østigaard (Oslo Pride, Norway), Chair of the Committee
- Steve Taylor (Copenhagen Pride, Denmark), Member
- Christopher Joell-Deshields (Pride in London, UK), Member
- Antonello D’Occhio (Arcigay Milano, Italy), Member
- Gabriel Rücker (CSD Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany), Member
All candidates who stood for election to the Committee were elected. Their position in the table above is determined by the number of votes they received. The Committee acknowledges that more diversity, including gender diversity, is needed and will appoint members for the year ahead.
The Committee can be contacted at nominations.committee@europride.info.
Candidates interested in running for election to the Board are encouraged to contact the Committee, or any individual member of the committee. All communications with the Committee are confidential between the individual and the Committee until such time as a candidate agrees to be put forward.