Funds are available each year to support member organisations to attend the annual general meeting.

AGM scholarships

The EPOA AGM provides an opportunity for its members to meet and network, to share experiences and best practices, and to be strengthened in their Pride engagement. EPOA places great importance on having diversity in representation at the AGM. However, EPOA recognises that not all members have an equal financial opportunity to attend the AGM. Therefore, a majority of contributions to the Solidarity Fund will go to scholarships for the EPOA AGM, to provide support to members that would otherwise not be able to attend the AGM for financial reasons.
  • Scholarships will be given for participation at the EPOA Annual General Meeting, and can be used to cover registration fee, travel expenses and accommodation.
  • Only EPOA member organisations can apply for the scholarship, not individuals.
  • The scholarship will only cover a part of the costs of participation, so the applicant must be willing to contribute financially. The scholarship will usually cover a maximum of 75% of the total costs, but depending on available funds in the Fund and the number of applicants, the size of the scholarship may vary.
  • An organisation that has submitted a bid for or holds an actual license to host EuroPride is not eligible for scholarships.

How to apply for AGM scholarships

EPOA member organisations who wish to apply for financial support to attend the AGM should write to the Human Rights Coordinator, Noah Leão, no later than 30 June each year. You should write from an official email address for your organisation and should include the following information:
  • Name, role and pronouns of the proposed attendee
  • Clarification on whether or not the proposed attendee needs a visa to attend the AGM
  • Estimation of costs of travel, with details of dates and times
  • Financial information and background to your Pride organisation
  • How you think you will benefit from attending the AGM
All applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application by the end of July each year. If a scholarship is granted the participant must submit a written report to the Board on their participation and experience of the AGM. The report shall be submitted no later than two weeks after the AGM.