Peter has been campaigning for human rights for six decades, and has attended every Pride in London since it began in 1972.
Peter, what do you think are the biggest challenges facing the LGBTI community in Europe right now?
The battles for trans equality, LGBT-inclusive sex education, compensation for men convicted under anti-gay laws and against the far-right in east, central and parts of southern Europe.
How can the Pride movement help to combat these challenges?
Pride needs to get more political, with specific human rights demands, not vague slogans!
What’s your biggest hope for Pride in 2020?
That our LGBT+ rights demands will get a higher profile and that the numbers, media coverage and public empathy for Pride will continue to grow.
Looking further ahead, how would you like to see Pride develop in the rest of the decade?
I’d like to see Prides develop more links with other equality struggles – such as those of women, black and disabled communities – for mutual solidarity and empowerment.
Which Prides are you really looking forward to visiting in 2020 or beyond?
I’ve been on every Pride London since the first one in 1972, which I helped organise. So I am looking forward to London to continue my unbroken record of 47 so far. But I also enjoy supporting the smaller grassroots local Prides, like Happy Valley, Margate and Weston Super Mare.
Finally, what’s your most cherished memory of a Pride?
Moscow Pride 2007 was very memorable, although not cherished. I went there to support the heroic Russian LGBT+ activists and got badly beaten by neo-Nazis, which left me with brain and eye injuries. But I carry on undeterred.
Image: Peter Tatchell
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